Sunday, September 27, 2009

Summary - Publishers Try to Learn to Love the Web

Olga Kharif's article Publishers Try to Learn to Love the Web states how the different publishing companies are delving into the electronic book market (e-books) in hopes of finding new sources of revenue. The cost to create e-books are cheaper than physical books which help to increase profit. O'Reilly Media has begun to sell books on Apple's iTunes store as applications. Cengage Learning has begun to sell their books for a little as $1.99 per chapter. Safari Books Online, a joint collaboration between O'Reilly Media and Pearson Education, has let colleges and universities view books online and the original publisher of the book gets paid each time a user views their book. Some companies have gotten into the textbook rental program, similar to Netflix and their products, on a subscription style service. Clearly, book publishers are embracing the world wide web in hopes of finding new streams of revenue.

1 comment:

  1. parallelism -- plurals and singulars. Be careful - they must match.
