Sunday, September 27, 2009

Consumers to Spend Big on TVs, Smartphones

Cliff Edwards article Consumers to Spend Big on TVs, Smartphones states that regardless of the current economic recession, American's are purchasing high definition TVs, smartphones, and networking accessories at a record pace. In the year 2008, over 10 million high definition TVs were sold and in the next 5 years, 39 million houses will purchase a high definition TV. In that same timeframe, 30 million homeownerss will add wireless networking capabilities to their homes.

The article also states that the winter holiday sales on all things technology will be better this year than the previous year. Researcher Charles Golvin states, "In the next several years consumers will increasingly rely on a ubiquitous Net that is instantaneously accessible on a wide variety of devices, from mobile phones to laptops to new form factors such as e-readers." To support this, television manufacturers have begun to incorporate the necessary technology to allow TV's to stream content from the Internet.

As a consumer, I will be looking into purchasing a smartphone in the near future once my families current cell phone contract is up. I would like to have a device that is powerful enough to meet my technological needs. In this economy, it is good for me to know sales may be a-plenty, thus potentially creating good deals for consumers alike.

1 comment:

  1. OK, issues. First, there is a possessive problem in the first sentence, plus there is a plural problem. Know how to use apostrophes!! Then, there is no ACTION in X, so there is no argument being made here, so there is no point. IT's just a summary. Why do I get to the end to learn anything?? What is your meaning?
