Sunday, September 27, 2009

Consumers to Spend Big on TVs, Smartphones

Cliff Edwards article Consumers to Spend Big on TVs, Smartphones states that regardless of the current economic recession, American's are purchasing high definition TVs, smartphones, and networking accessories at a record pace. In the year 2008, over 10 million high definition TVs were sold and in the next 5 years, 39 million houses will purchase a high definition TV. In that same timeframe, 30 million homeownerss will add wireless networking capabilities to their homes.

The article also states that the winter holiday sales on all things technology will be better this year than the previous year. Researcher Charles Golvin states, "In the next several years consumers will increasingly rely on a ubiquitous Net that is instantaneously accessible on a wide variety of devices, from mobile phones to laptops to new form factors such as e-readers." To support this, television manufacturers have begun to incorporate the necessary technology to allow TV's to stream content from the Internet.

As a consumer, I will be looking into purchasing a smartphone in the near future once my families current cell phone contract is up. I would like to have a device that is powerful enough to meet my technological needs. In this economy, it is good for me to know sales may be a-plenty, thus potentially creating good deals for consumers alike.

Summary - Publishers Try to Learn to Love the Web

Olga Kharif's article Publishers Try to Learn to Love the Web states how the different publishing companies are delving into the electronic book market (e-books) in hopes of finding new sources of revenue. The cost to create e-books are cheaper than physical books which help to increase profit. O'Reilly Media has begun to sell books on Apple's iTunes store as applications. Cengage Learning has begun to sell their books for a little as $1.99 per chapter. Safari Books Online, a joint collaboration between O'Reilly Media and Pearson Education, has let colleges and universities view books online and the original publisher of the book gets paid each time a user views their book. Some companies have gotten into the textbook rental program, similar to Netflix and their products, on a subscription style service. Clearly, book publishers are embracing the world wide web in hopes of finding new streams of revenue.

Summary - Hydrogen Cars Are Still Headed for the Highway

The article Hydrogen Cars Are Still Headed for the Highway states the belief that hydrogen fuel cells are the future of the automotive industry rather than the current "battery fad." On September 10, 2009, the German government announced plans to build 1,000 hydrogen filling stations in Germany by the year 2015. This occurred two days after prominent auto manufacturers lobbied energy companies to build networks of hydrogen filling stations around the world. For the time being, automotive companies will continue to invest in hydrogen technology due to the belief that batteries will never catch fuel cells in terms of technology. But according to Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche, simply picking one technology over the other is extremely risky in this ever changing world.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exercise, Education Keep You Sharp in Old Age

The article, "Exercise, Education Keep You Sharp in Old Age," states what is needed to be done both physically and mentally in order to "stay on top of your game" once you start to become older. It states that an individual should exercise at either a moderate or vigorous level at least once a week, should love with another person, avoid smoking, participate in some volunteer work or continue to work until a person is in their 70s or 80s. The mental aspect of this is that the individual should maintain at least a ninth grade literacy level.

The results of the study talked about in the article also found a number of other interesting points. The study found that individuals with at least a high school education were three times more likely than someone with less of an education. Another result of the study was that nonsmokers were almost twice as likely as smokers to either maintain or increase their mental capacity. An interesting point is that hypertension and diabetes played no role on mental performance.

As a future physical educator and health teacher, the results of this study are important to me. From the physical education point of view, the results tell me that I need to teach my students lifetime activities such as badminton, golf, or walking that can be done for exercise by nearly anyone. It is much easier for an older individual to just walk that to play basketball. From the health education standpoint, the results tell me that I need to emphasize how bad tobacco is not only for the body, but for the mind as well. Another point that I need to parlay across to my students is that good health habits throughout life will pay off. Dr. John Hart, Jr., a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas says it best, "Stay physically and mentally active, and you will increase your chances of successful aging." I couldn't agree with those words any more.

Summary - The Great Trust Offensive

Many prominent American companies have begun to alter their marketing campaigns in order to win back the trust of the consumer. McDonald's has begun to work with PETA in order to gain their support and the relationship is a work-in-progress. They have also revamped their website to provide more information to the consumer. The Ford Motor company is basing their advertising campaign on how well managed they are (because they did not take money from the federal government). Also new to Ford ads are the message that they are pushing (i.e. fuel economy and new technology). American Express has reached out to small businesses which make up a large portion of their clientele and are sponsoring contests where the winner will receive marketing money from the company for free. Only time will tell if these new marketing campaigns will work because you can't win a consumers trust back overnight.

Summary - A Chevrolet Camaro for the MBA set

General Motors has announced that it will be releasing an executive version of its classic Camaro car. This executive version will feature a V-6 engine with 304 horsepower that can get 29 mpg highway. A V-8 engine is an available option for those looking for more power underneath the hood. The Executive Express Camaro will be black in color and will sport a European-looking interior that is similar to Audi's. Given the current state of the automotive industry, Chevrolet/General Motors is hoping that this will be a winner.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment 1 - Needs & Wants

What I need to be when I grow up?

In order to accomplish what I want to be when I grow up, my needs need to be met first in order for the wants to be successful. First, I need to graduate from college with a good GPA as well as successfully student teach this coming spring. I am on track so far with a 3.45/4.0 GPA through the end of my junior year of college and my student teaching application and portfolio recently turned in. Second, I need to have my finances in order once I graduate. I will be lucky enough to not have to repay any loans after college and actually leave college with money still in my bank account. It was worth it to fill out all of those scholarship applications during my senior year of high school. By having my finances in order, this will help to give me some options in regards to getting on my feet and beginning my future career. Third, I need to just be myself (self-explanatory).

What do I want to be when I grow up?

When I grow up, I want to teach Physical Education at the high school level somewhere in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Ultimately, I would love to teach and coach at my old high school (Prospect HS). My family is all located in either Chicago or the surrounding suburbs and it is important to me to be near them since I am close to them. I would also like to get married and have a family that I can support. While it would be nice to have a large salary, money is not the most important thing to me. More importantly, teaching and coaching will allow me to share my passion of sports with my future students and student-athletes and hopefully leaving a positive, lasting impression on them.

While everybody would love to have all of their wants met in addition to their needs, I realize that life doesn't always work like that. Needs need to come before wants. It's that simple. But through hard work, a strong desire, and motivation, a person's wants can be met. I believe that I can achieve them and that is all that really matters to me.