Sunday, November 1, 2009

Summary - MBAs Confront a Savage Job Market

The article, MBAs Confront a Savage Job Market discusses the difficulties that recent college graduates are having finding a job due to the current economic recession. Hundreds of unemployed business school students had to accept the fact that they would be unemployed when they graduated in the spring. According to Business Week, 16.5% of job-seeking students from the top 30 MBA programs did not get even one offer by the time schools collected their final fall employment data three months after graduation in 2009 compared to just 5% in 2008. Industry insiders for see a similar trend occurring with business school students in 2010. Those students who were able to secure a job received smaller salaries and smaller signing bonuses than in previous years. Mark Brostoff, associate dean and director of the Weston Career Center at Olin Business School, believes that students need to "recognize the value of other career paths" and begin to seek jobs in other related sectors. With the economy still suffering, situations like this will become more and more common.

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