Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can Apple Spoil Microsoft's Day?

Peter Burrow's article Can Apple Spoil Microsoft's Day? discusses how Apple plans to try and lure PC users away from Microsoft beginning on October 22. October 22 is the official release date of the brand new Windows 7 OS. Apple is hoping to capitalize on Windows 7 in the next year because many consumers who purchase computers running the Windows Vista OS will recollect how poorly the OS was constructed and in turn, switch to the brand new Snow Leopard OS from Apple. As usual, Apple plans to advertise their machines as being virus-resistant, more current, etc.

PC makers are not too concerned with another attempt by Apple to steal customers. Analyst Stephen Baker of researcher PC Data points out that PC's are much cheaper than Apple's. PC makers will also be able to sell new products such as netbooks, etc. that are both cheap and run the new Windows 7 OS.

As a PC user myself, I find it hard to believe that Apple will have great success over the next year in taking customers away from Microsoft. I have been using the RTM version of Windows 7 Professional since it was released to certain groups in July and have absolutely loved it. While I agree that Vista was a mess, I do not anticipate a herd of PC users going to Macs over one poor OS. Only time will tell whether or not Apple will succeed in their latest venture.

1 comment:

  1. That first sentence has funky structure. Is it only on 10/22??
    Now, you need to have an ACTION in X. What is your point? Why all this information? Don't bury it at the end!!
